Configuration :

Recette Drapeau Rouge Italian Grape Ale

  • Style : Bières aux Céréales Alternatives
  • Méthode : Tout grain
  • Fermentation : Mixte
  • Volume : 60.0 L
  • Efficacité d'empâtage : 72%
  • Efficacité de la brasserie : 71.7%
  • Ratio IBU/DI : 0.00
  • Coût total : -

Céréales et sucres

Quantité Nom Malterie Forme Addition Couleur Proportions Coût total
12.84 kg Wine Grape Juice - 22 Brix Grains Empâtage 5 EBC 51.7 % -
Pressed grape juice for wine making. Sugar level at 22 brix. Edit the details->name of the ingredient to specify grape variety or blend
11 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Ger Grains Empâtage 3 EBC 44.3 % -
German base for Pilsners and Bohemian Lagers
1 kg Cara-Pils/Dextrine Grains Empâtage 3 EBC 4 % -
Significantly increases foam/head retention and body of the beer.Also sold under the names "Dextrine" and "Cara-Foam"


Quantité Nom Addition Temps Coût total
30 g Salt Empâtage 60 minutes -
Table Salt (NaCl) may be used as a water mineral to adjust brewing water for mashing.
6 ml Lactic Acid Empâtage 60 minutes -
Used to lower the pH of the mash without altering the water profile. Lower pH mashes generally improves head retention, increases extraction rate.
5 ml Calcium Chloride Empâtage 60 minutes -
Alters water profile and pH of mash. Use the BeerSmith Water Profile tool to determine amount to add.


Quantité Nom Laboratoire Forme Coût total
0 ml OYL-026 French Saison Omega Liquide -
Versatile strain that produces Saison or farmhouse style beers as well as other Belgian style beers that are highly aromatic (estery), peppery, spicy and citrusy. This strain enhances the use of spices and aroma hops, and is extremely attenuative but leaves an unexpected silky and rich mouthfeel. This strain can also be used to re-start stuck fermentations or in high gravity beers.
50 ml 5335 Lactobacillus Wyeast Labs Liquide -
Lactic acid bacteria isolated from a Belgian brewery. This culture produces moderate levels of acidity and is commonly found in many types of beers including gueuze, lambics, sour brown ales and Berliner Weisse. It is always used in conjunction with S.cer


    Concasser les grains
    Faire chauffer 62.1 L d'eau à 73.2°C
    Palier Mash In à 66°C pendant 45 minutes
    Filtrer et rincer les drêches avec 41.1 L d'eau à 75.6°C
Ratio eau/grain de départ : 2.5 L/kg
pH cible : 5.4
pH : ________

Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).


Volume d'ébullition : 80.8 L
Temps d'ébullition : 60 minutes
Densité avant ébullition : 1.042
    Porter le moût à ébullition
    Faire refroidir le moût


Primaire : 4 jours à environ 19.4°C
Date de début : ____________________
Notes : _________________________________
Secondaire : 10 jours à environ 19.4°C
Date de début : ____________________
Notes : _________________________________
Garde en bouteille : 30 jours à environ 18.3°C
Date de début : ____________________
Notes : _________________________________
Carbonatation : 2.3 volumes

DI est. : 1.056
DF est. : 1.002
Alcool est. : 7.1 % alc./vol.
EBC : 11
DI : __________
DF : __________
Alcool : __________ % alc./vol.
IBU : 0