Configuration :

Recette neipa ddh (fauve)

  • Style : IPA Anglaise
  • Méthode : Tout grain
  • Fermentation : Ale
  • Volume : 20.0 L
  • Efficacité d'empâtage : 70%
  • Efficacité de la brasserie : 67.8%
  • Ratio IBU/DI : 0.68
  • Coût total : -

Céréales et sucres

Quantité Nom Malterie Forme Addition Couleur Proportions Coût total
3.5 kg Pilsner (Weyermann) Weyermann Grains Empâtage 3 EBC 63.6 % -
Pilsner base malt for all pilsners, lagers. Highly modified malt.
1.25 kg White Wheat Malt Grains Empâtage 4 EBC 22.7 % -
White wheat gives a malty flavor not available from raw wheat.Used in Weiss, Wit and White beers
750 g Wheat, Flaked Grains Empâtage 3 EBC 13.6 % -
Flaked wheat adds to increased body and foam retentionUsed in place of raw or torrified wheat for faster conversion and better yield.May be used in small amounts to improve head retention and bodyExamples: Belgian White beer, Wit


Quantité Nom Forme Alpha Addition Temps IBU Coût total
27 g Idaho #7 Pellets 13.0 % Hors flamme 60 minutes 20.5 -
Notes: Dual purpose, high alpha acidAroma: Tropical fruit, orange, apricot, pine.
27 g Mosaic (HBC 369) Pellets 12.3 % Hors flamme 60 minutes 19.4 -
Available in quantity for the first time after 2012 harvest. Still known to many as HBC 369. A daughter of Simcoe crossed with a Nugget derived male. An excellent aroma variety.Used for: Ales, IPA, Experimental AlesAroma: Rich in mango, lemon, citrus, pine, and notably, blueberry.Substitutes: UnknownStorage: Good (25% AA after 6 months at 20 C)11-13.5% AA / 3.2-3.9% Beta
70 g Idaho #7 Pellets 13.0 % Houblonnage à cru 7 jours 0 -
Notes: Dual purpose, high alpha acidAroma: Tropical fruit, orange, apricot, pine.
70 g Mosaic (HBC 369) Pellets 12.3 % Houblonnage à cru 7 jours 0 -
Available in quantity for the first time after 2012 harvest. Still known to many as HBC 369. A daughter of Simcoe crossed with a Nugget derived male. An excellent aroma variety.Used for: Ales, IPA, Experimental AlesAroma: Rich in mango, lemon, citrus, pine, and notably, blueberry.Substitutes: UnknownStorage: Good (25% AA after 6 months at 20 C)11-13.5% AA / 3.2-3.9% Beta
30 g Idaho #7 Pellets 13.0 % Houblonnage à cru 7 jours 0 -
Notes: Dual purpose, high alpha acidAroma: Tropical fruit, orange, apricot, pine.
30 g Mosaic (HBC 369) Pellets 12.3 % Houblonnage à cru 7 jours 0 -
Available in quantity for the first time after 2012 harvest. Still known to many as HBC 369. A daughter of Simcoe crossed with a Nugget derived male. An excellent aroma variety.Used for: Ales, IPA, Experimental AlesAroma: Rich in mango, lemon, citrus, pine, and notably, blueberry.Substitutes: UnknownStorage: Good (25% AA after 6 months at 20 C)11-13.5% AA / 3.2-3.9% Beta
Houblonnage à cru : 10.00 g/l


Quantité Nom Laboratoire Forme Coût total
24 ml - Lalbrew New England East Coast Ale Lallemand Sèche -
LalBrew New England is an ale strain selected specifically for its fermentative consistency and its ability to produce a unique fruit-forward ester profile desired in East Coast styles of beer. A typical fermentation with LalBrew New England will produce tropical and fruity esters, notably stone fruits like peach. LalBrew New England exhibits medium to high attenuation with medium flocculation, making it a perfect choice for East Coast style ales.


    Concasser les grains
    Faire chauffer 13.8 L d'eau à 76.7°C
    Palier Mash Step à 69°C pendant 60 minutes
    Faire chauffer 6.6 L d'eau à 100.0°C
    Palier Mash Step à 78°C pendant 0 minutes avec montée en température par infusion.
    Palier Mash Step à 78°C pendant 10 minutes avec montée en température par infusion.
    Filtrer et rincer les drêches avec 10.8 L d'eau à 75.6°C
Ratio eau/grain de départ : 2.5 L/kg
pH cible : 5.4
pH : ________

Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).


Volume d'ébullition : 26.2 L
Temps d'ébullition : 70 minutes
Densité avant ébullition : 1.046
    Porter le moût à ébullition
    Éteindre la source de chaleur
    Ajouter les : 27 g de Idaho #7, 27 g de Mosaic (HBC 369)
    Minuteur 60 minutes
    Faire refroidir le moût


Primaire : 10 jours à environ 20.0°C
Date de début : ____________________
Notes : _________________________________
Secondaire : 4 jours à environ 20.0°C
Date de début : ____________________
Notes : _________________________________
Garde en bouteille : 3 jours à environ 0.0°C
Date de début : ____________________
Notes : _________________________________
Carbonatation : 2.5 volumes

DI est. : 1.059
DF est. : 1.017
Alcool est. : 5.5 % alc./vol.
EBC : 7
DI : __________
DF : __________
Alcool : __________ % alc./vol.
IBU : 39